2007-2021 V8 4.5L Auto Diesel (VDJ)
2007-2011 V8 4.7L (5 Speed) Petrol (UZJ)
2007-2021 V8 4.6L (6 Speed) Petrol (URJ)
2015-2024 2.8L Auto Diesel (GUN126/156)
2015-2024 2.8L Auto Diesel (GDJ)
2009-2015 3.0L Auto Diesel (KDJ)
2009-2015 4.0L Petrol (GRJ)
2015-2024 2.8L Auto Diesel (GUN126/156)
2015-2021 4.5L V8 Auto Diesel
2023+ 2.8L Auto
lockup-mate®PLUS+ is a torque converter clutch (TCC) lockup kit designed specifically for the Toyota automatic transmission and uses digital communication with the vehicle ECU, making it the most intelligent lockup kit available.
Better driveability, save fuel, protect the transmission from heat, and maximum engine braking.
Fully automatic; just turn it on and drive! Locks up in DRIVE and SPORT/MANUAL modes from 2nd gear; and adapts for low range (4L) operation automatically.
Separate lockup algorithms for DRIVE, SPORT/MANUAL and 4L modes, and fully adjustable for your own vehicle configuration or driving preference.
lockup-mate®PLUS+ is the only lockup kit available with SafeLock® Clutch Protection which protects the torque converter clutch from excessive wear to give maximum life expectancy and reliability. Using the information obtained via the digital interface with the vehicle ECUs, it prevents activating the clutch during high slip conditions and only engages when within the same low slip limits the factory ECU uses. Plus, it uses the same PWM control signal and engagement profile as the factory ECU.
Our kit fully supports the flex-lockup mode of the transmission for maximum fuel savings. Using advanced microcomputer control and digital CANBus communications with the vehicle's computers, it works in harmony with the factory computers for maximum smoothness. ECU code deletes are not necessary to avoid Check Engine Lights, and the ECU doesn't need to be removed to be reprogrammed.
lockup-mate®PLUS+ is not only for people who tow. The driveability and feel of the car is enhanced with more direct power and responsiveness.

Why Install a Torque Converter Lockup Kit?
The benefits of locking the TCC in the transmission are widely known, especially when experiencing heavy load conditions such as towing (caravan, boat or horse float), climbing long steep-hills, or when driving in soft sand.
Learn about lockup kits, and lockup-mate®PLUS+ features.
SafeLock® Clutch Protection
Exclusive to MM4X4 is SafeLock® which prevents excessive wear which may occur when the TCC is engaged under high slip conditions. SafeLock® also will immediately unlock the TCC under emergency braking conditions to reduce possible impact damage to the driveline, and to ensure there is no interferance with the vehicle safety systems (eg, stability control and ABS).

The bottom line ...
No other lockup kit available works like lockup-mate®PLUS+.
For more details of how it works, read our blog article here.
Take the worry away from using a lockup kit and keep the protection normally provided by the transmission ECU, but with a better lockup algorithm!
Best of all, lockup-mate®PLUS+ is affordable and will soon pay for itself in fuel savings!